Transform Your Life with Yoga: A Journey from Disconnection to Inner Peace

My very first yoga practice was far away from pretty, fancy, or a "feel-good" experience. I was coming off years of not exercising regularly, partying hard, and drinking heavily—doing anything to escape the reality I was living in. I felt completely disconnected from myself and my surroundings.

I decided to try yoga because I had heard great things about it and knew I would soon be moving to the US.

I needed something to hold onto as I started my life from scratch. Yoga wasn’t fully available to me at the time due to financial constraints and the lack of demand in my small town in Brazil. Fortunately, I found a free yoga class in the park and decided to give it a try.

I struggled through the entire hour, constantly thinking, "Please, let this class be over. I will never come back." But then, at the end, during Savasana, I experienced a split second where everything became quiet and still. All the quietness and stillness I had been running away from overwhelmed me, and I cried like a baby—a cry of release.

At that moment, I had no idea what that cry meant. But today, I understand: "YOU are still here, even in the middle of the chaos that life is right now. Do not give up on yourself; your ESSENCE is just waiting for more moments of stillness to show up. You need this." And I listened.

Yoga has been transforming me, but like any other journey, it’s not just flowers and butterflies. If you ask me if it’s worth it, I would say 100%. The discipline to keep showing up, especially on the days I don’t want to, the very first breath I take on my mat—whether it’s a 3-hour or 5-minute practice—it’s all worth it.

If you're looking to start your yoga journey but don't know how, I have free yoga classes available for you to try. From 10-minute sessions to 1-hour practices, from asanas to meditation, I’m sure you’ll find at least one that touches your heart. Remember, no one else can start the journey for you—it’s up to YOU to take the first step. You can click here to access free classes on my YouTube channel.

Benefits of Starting Your Yoga Journey

Improved Physical Health: Yoga enhances strength, flexibility, and balance.

  1. Mental Clarity: Regular practice helps clear your mind and reduce stress.

  2. Emotional Stability: Yoga fosters a deeper connection with your emotions, promoting overall well-being.

  3. Spiritual Growth: Through meditation and mindfulness, yoga helps you connect with your inner self.

  4. Community Support: Joining yoga classes can help you build a supportive community.

Tips for Beginning Your Yoga Practice

  1. Start Small: Begin with short sessions and gradually increase your practice time.

  2. Be Consistent: Make yoga a part of your daily routine, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

  3. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels and respect its limits.

  4. Find a Quiet Space: Create a calm environment for your practice.

  5. Use Online Resources: Take advantage of free yoga classes available online to guide your practice.

Join the Yoga Community

Embarking on a yoga journey can be life-changing. Whether you're seeking physical benefits, mental clarity, or emotional balance, yoga offers a path to inner peace and self-discovery. Remember, the first step is the hardest but also the most important - and if you do not know where to start, this blog post can help you. You can also sign up for my newsletter to attend in-person and online events so you can connect with yourself and like-minded people!

Sending love,


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